I want to post about something that came up in discussion today between me, my elder sister and my mother. It was concerning a transitioning/transitioned person about whom my sister had received a letter at work. I only know the person second hand so I don't know if they have fully transitioned but I will refer to the person as female because that is the gender identity she identifies with, in my eyes that makes her female. I will refer to the person before transitioning as he. Names have been changed for obvious reasons.
So, the subject came up that my sister's workplace had received a letter stating that Steven Smith should now be referred to as Stephanie Smith as they were trans. Steven had worked at the workplace some time ago as a manager, before my sister's time, but several staff knew him well. Anyway, my sister knew him well enough to say hello and call him by name.
A discussion ensued between the staff as how to act if Stephanie came in when one staff member stated something. She said that she would ignore Stephanie. Obviously people were horrified and started to round on her. The person then said "Well, I knew Steven really well, and his whole family, but I don't know Stephanie at all. I've never met her. Why should I talk to her differently from any other client who uses these premises?". It is this that caused the discussion at home. We all agreed that, in theory, if Steven was now Stephanie then effectively Steven was dead. Stephanie was a new person therefore should be treated as such until she introduced herself and/or asked for people to treat her as if she was Steven but with the obvious change.
So, comment away please, I'd be interested to find out your thoughts. Please share it around too.
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