Monday 9 May 2011

The Beginning

Right, erm, time to begin I guess.  I've just got in from the garden after a quick check up to see what's happening between torrential rain and thunderstorms.  Not that I'm complaining, I was getting tired of watering everything like I have been since March!

On the whole things are coming along well, weeds aren't too bad but I bet the rain helps them shoot away.  There's lots of things I didn't expect have come up as a result of cultivating the soil for the first time in years.  Some beautiful white Spanish hyacinth have put in an appearance everywhere, along with celandines in the rose bed.  Most surprising was the four morelles that seem to have sprung up.  How or why I should have these is anyone's guess but they may have come in with the bark mulch for the paths!  Maybe if I leave them I can start a business next spring!

I need to get some photos off my phone and camera onto here if I keep this up.  We shall see.

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